Java 6 For Mac 10.8
For work I need Java 6 on my OS X 10.8.3 MacBook Pro. (O, I know, I know.) I have a new enough machine that Apple did not include Java at all, so following common instructions on the net to delete Java 7 and reactivate Java 6 doesn't work, as there is nothing on this machine to reactivate. Going to Apple for Java 6 only gets me an Updater, which is not helpful as there is no original Java 6 (nor 5, nor anything) from which to update. Where on earth can I find a complete Java 6.dmg for OS X, and if it's for OS X 10.5 or 10.6, will it work with 10.8.3? Much gratitude for your help and information!
OS X 10.8 removed Java 6 and the Java Utilities switcher and made Java 7 the default jre making it hard for engineers like me who work exclusively on Java 6. How do I get back my Java 6? Mac OS X 10.8.4 cacerts default password. Apr 02, 2013 For work I need Java 6 on my OS X 10.8.3 MacBook Pro. (O, I know, I know.) I have a new enough machine that Apple did not include Java at all, so following common instructions on the net to delete Java 7 and reactivate Java 6 doesn't work, as there is nothing on this machine to reactivate. Golf games for the mac.
Thank you for your quick replies. I tried downloading and installing the first link from chrfr, and ended up with Java 7, so I don't know what's up with that? Then I tried following talmy's advice on the first answer to the question in the posted link, and when I get to the java -version command in terminal, instead of getting an 'there is no java install it' output, I actually get a Java Version 7 output. Which means somehow the preceding terminal commands deleting java didn't take, despite entering my pw? I am at a standstill here.
Is there not just a.dmg of Java 6 for OS X floating around somewhere on the 'nets? Allright, I'm probably missing the forest for the trees here. I did go to the Java 6 link, and upon installing it, I still get 'java version '1.7.0_17' in terminal.
I've been to that oracle link just now, and previously, have followed all four steps. Java is removed from my System Preferences panel, but when I type java -version in terminal, I still get 'java version '1.7.0_17'. Again, java did NOT ship with this MacBook Pro, so there is no way to restore java, as it was never installed to begin with. I don't understand why when I assiduously delete version 7, and it's clearly out of my System Prefs, it still shows up in terminal. I'm also not sure why when I install Java 6 from that link chrfr posted I get Java 7. Do I actually have Java 6 installed but somehow OS X thinks I have 7?
Again, thanks so much for your assistance and support.