Putty For Mac Pkg
So I gave up on Putty and MacPorts. I've now removed both programs. For normal ssh communications, I just use terminal command line interface program.
Please also note that certain items cannot be imported, these include Alcohol, Agricultural Remedies, Animals, Batteries, Flammable Materials, Farm Feeds, Currency, Food, Furs, Chemicals, Explosives, Medications, Plants, Poisons, Seeds, Supplements, Nutrients, Pressurized Cans, Tactical Equipment, Vitamins, Weaponry and Weaponry Accessories. Saicoo driver for mac. All content is generated and displayed from an automated USA product feed, and if the item cannot be imported for any reason, including carrier restrictions and/or import or sales restrictions under South African or American law, we do reserve the right to cancel and refund the order in full. In these cases, information displayed above is for reference/informational purposes only and the item will not be imported. Please check with us if you are unsure or need any assistance!
For USB to FTDI serial communications I'm using a program called. It seems to work just fine. (settings = device with USB in the title, baud: 115200, packet: none-8-1 and flow: none) Hint: You want to have the USB/FTDI device plugged in with Cornflake running BEFORE you power up the Raspberry Pi.
PuTTY is an open source SSH and telnet client developed originally by Simon Tatham for the Windows platform. You can save connections and preferences, making it quick and easy to connect to your servers.
Update: So Cornflake worked fine, kinda, sorta. It didn't hide my login password which is not normally a problem, but I'm teaching others realtime with screen broadcast. Any command line tool that does fancy stuff (e.g. Nano) fails in Cornflake. Instead I've now migrated to using the native command line terminal and the screen command, Open Terminal.
$ ls /dev/tty.* # to see all available ports. You can now use the screen command to to establish a simple serial connection. $ screen # to create a connection.
In my particular case: $ screen /dev/tty.usbserial-AE00BS5L 115200 This works quite well.