Setup Eclipse For Ocaml On Mac
Installation Instructions These instructions are aimed at readers of Real World OCaml, though much of what you find here will be useful for anyone who wants to get a good working OCaml installation. At the highest level, here's what you need to do: • Get installed • Build OCaml 4.06.0 or later using OPAM or your OS package manager • With OPAM, install the key libraries that you need to work through the examples in the book • Install, a modern interactive toplevel with command history, tab completion, and defaults that are tuned to work with the examples in Real World OCaml, • Set up your editing environment. • Optionally install, a tool for providing IDE-like functionality like auto-completion, as well as, a source code indenter.
If you haven't already done so, install Ruby 1.8.6 and Eclipse. Java for macbook pro. Go to Window » Preferences (Mac OS X users, go to Eclipse » Preferences). IDE for learner? Submitted 2 years ago by FreakyCheeseMan. I'm new to functional programming, coming from a Java background. After significant back and forth, I think I've settled on OCaml as my first functional language to learn. These are the instructions I sent a friend recently to set it up on their mac. It assumes you want Core but.
Both work with emacs and vim, and can be adapted to other editors. Note that Windows is not currently supported by the examples in Real World OCaml or by OPAM, although it is being worked on. Until that's ready, we recommend using a virtual machine running Debian Linux on your local machine,. Let's get started. Getting OPAM The easiest way to install OPAM is through your OS's package manager. In most cases, installing OPAM will also trigger the installation of OCaml.
The version installed isn't important, since we can use OPAM itself to install other versions of the compiler. Here are platform-specific instructions. Mac OS X If you don't already have a package manager set up, try installing homebrew. You can find information on installing homebrew.
Make sure you have the latest XCode (and Command Line Tools for XCode) installed from the App Store first. You can then install OPAM using brew. Brew install opam Another popular package manager on Mac OS X is, which also has an OPAM package.
Sudo port install opam Ubuntu Linux 14.04 and higher comes with recent versions of OCaml and opam. No PPA needed. Sudo apt-get install curl build-essential m4 zlib1g-dev libssl-dev ocaml ocaml-native-compilers opam Debian Linux Debian's OCaml packages aren't yet at 4.06.0, and so you will need to compile it from sources. If you are using the Debian 9 stable stream, then OPAM 1.2.2 will be available. Arch Linux OPAM is available from the AUR (Arch User Repository). You can install OPAM using yaourt: sudo yaourt -S opam Or directly using pacman.
Sudo pacman -S base-devel wget tar -xvf opam.tar.gz && cd opam makepkg sudo pacman -U opam.pkg.tar.xz Building from source On platforms not listed above, you'll need to install OPAM from source, and to do that you'll need OCaml installed first. Some platforms, including Fedora Linux, have OCaml packages that you can install but not OPAM packages. You can build OPAM on OCaml version 4.02.1 or later. To install OCaml from source, you'll first need a C compiler, generally gcc or llvm. The following is enough to get OCaml installed on most platforms.
Curl -OL tar -zxvf 4.01.tar.gz cd ocaml-4.01./configure make world world.opt sudo make install If you have problems with any of the above, read the INSTALL file in the tar file. Installing OCaml locally The installation step described above requires administrator privileges. You can also install it in your home directory by passing the prefix option to the configuration script:./configure -prefix $HOME/my-ocaml Once the installation is completed into this custom location, you will need to add $HOME/my-ocaml/bin to your PATH, normally by editing ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile. You shouldn't really do this unless you have special reasons, so try to install binary packages before trying a source installation. Installing OPAM If the binary packages aren't available for your system, you'll need to install the latest OPAM release from source. You can follow the online.
Configuring OPAM The entire OPAM package database is held in the.opam directory in your home directory, including compiler installations. On Linux and Mac OS X, this will be the ~/.opam directory, which means you don't need administrative privileges to configure it. If you run into problems configuring OPAM, just delete the whole ~/.opam directory and start over. Let's begin by initialising the OPAM package database. This will ask you a few interactive questions at the end.