Android Studio Tutorial For Mac
Android Studio: Installation and Configuration for Mac OS X In this video I show you how to go about installing and configuring Android Studio for your Mac. The video also covers configuration and downloading of the various build tools and Android SDK you need to get started. Spotify music recorder for mac. If you are running on Windows or on Linux then I have you covered as I did a separate video for both of those platforms.
Windows Linux And don’t forget you need to have installed a Java JDK (preferable version 8 or higher), but there is a link in the video you can click to a video that shows you how to install and configure a JDK. Once you are done with this video, you are then able to start creating some Android code! Enjoy the content!
This is a short tutorial that walks you through installing Android Studio on a Windows or Mac machine, beginning with downloading the Java SDK. You will also.
Cheers Tim Buchalka the Aussie Android Dev Guy! Catch up with me at these locations. My personal blog Twitter Facebook Google plus My Video Courses android studio, android studio gradle, android studio tutorial, android studio, install android studio, configure android studio, install, java, jdk, java development kit, android sdk manager, android lollipop sdk, android 5.0 platform, android development, beginners, google api, haxm, linux, mac, windows, tutorial, updating android studio, beta channel, android virtual device, app, android, os x, yosemite.
This tutorial will teach you the basics of how to build an Android app using the Android Studio development environment. As Android devices become increasingly more common, demand for new apps will only increase. Android Studio is an easy to use (and free) development environment to learn on. It's best if one has a working knowledge of the Java programming language for this tutorial because it is the language used by Android. There won't be much code used in this tutorial, so I will assume that you know enough Java to understand or are willing to look up what you don't know. This will take roughly 30-60 minutes, depending on how quickly you are able to download and install Android Studio.
After using this tutorial to create your first Android app, you'll be well on your way to a fun new hobby or possibly even a promising career in mobile development. • Open Android Studio. • Under the 'Quick Start' menu, select 'Start a new Android Studio project.' • On the 'Create New Project' window that opens, name your project 'HelloWorld'. • If you choose to, set the company name as desired*. • Note where the project file location is and change it if desired.
• Click 'Next.' • Make sure on that 'Phone and Tablet' is the only box that is checked. • If you are planning to test the app on your phone, make sure the minimum SDK is below your phone's operating system level.
• Click 'Next.' • Select 'Blank Activity.' • Click 'Next.' • Leave all of the Activity name fields as they are. • Click 'Finish.' *Note: It is typical naming convention in Android projects to set the company name as some form of ''. • Navigate to the activity_main.xml tab if it is not already open.