Control Alt Delete Option For Mac

I found a way to quickly type Control-Alt-Delete on my Macbook Pro to login to Windows within Parallels. Just hold down the Control and Option keys, then hold down the fn key, and press the Delete key.
The Control Alt Delete Operation This function is often abbreviated as Ctrl-Alt-Del, and pressing it forces a soft reboot on any Windows-based machine. There are a number of Windows Security options that arise as a result, but the single biggest advantage of this operation is the Task Manager. Ctrl + Alt + Delete on Windows provides a variety of functions, the main one of interest being the Task Manager. Alt/Option-Command-Esc to force applications to quit. (if you have a Mac Mini or an iMac you have to press the physical Power button on the computer in addition to the other two keys in the keyboard).
[ robg adds: On Apple laptops, fn-Delete sends a forward delete (removes characters to the right of the cursor), as opposed to the delete key, which actually sends a backward delete (removes characters to the left of the cursor). Explained this functionality, and the comments offer some alternatives if you find this keystroke combination awkward to use. I have no idea if those solutions still work today, however. On full Mac keyboards, there's an actual forward delete key (and no fn key), so this hint is only applicable to laptops.].
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