Excel For Mac Opening New Workbook Unexpectedly
Shortcuts photoshop mac pdf. This is a file that my gf really needs for work. Every time she opens it, excel 'unexpectedly quits.' Same thing happens on my computer.
It only happens with this one file - every other excel workbook opens as normal. Sometimes, when we reopen excel after a quit, it will, by default, open to a certain file. When that happens, it is possible to open the problem file by opening it as a copy or as read only from within excel- not as the original. However, any attempt to copy the data to another file or to save the file under a different name causes excel to quit. The file will open on a PC, but that's not an option for her to do her work. It seems this document is corrupted.
Do you agree? What can be done? This is very important for her job.
G4, 10.3.5 thanks! This sounds like it might be formula-related, so you can try a couple of things to find out (I am assuming this sheet contains no macros - Excel would tell you if it did). Open a copy of the file, select all, and then Paste Special. Into a fresh document and select values. Try and save. If it works, it could be a formula problem.
Go to Excel Preferences>Calculation and set calculation to manual and turn of 'Recalculate before save' then try and save. If this works, then this is another indication of a formula error of some sort. The question is, if it turns into a formula error, I'm not quite sure how to fix that. You could try selectively copying only parts of the document and saving as you go, but first, I also thought of this.it may be an error with something that Excel uses called 'Add-ins'. If you go to Tools>Add-ins. You can see what is active.
If there are any active, try deactivating, opening and saving. If that works, you may need to re-install the add-ins (or Excel) from scratch? Since it is producing errors on both your and your gf's Macs, though, it is probably not a bad add-in, but it may be a missing one.
Tagged on: delete Microsoft excel quit unexpectedly Mac Fix Microsoft excel quit unexpectedly Mac fix Microsoft Office 2011 crashes on Mac OS X Yosemite get rid of Microsoft excel quit unexpectedly Mac remove Microsoft excel quit unexpectedly Mac. Fixes or workarounds for recent issues in Excel for Windows. 'The fine print' license agreement message unexpectedly appears when opening Office apps [WORKAROUND] Wrong Japanese era displayed in Excel dates. Hyperlinks to another Excel workbook no longer work after updating to the August 1, 2017 update (KB 4011051).