Google Drive Icon For Mac Missing
Tips • When you add new files to your Google Drive folder, the folder's size increases. Ensure that the total size of the files you add to that folder does not exceed the 5GB limit. If you need additional storage space, you can purchase it by visiting Google’s 'Buy Storage' page, logging into your Google account and selecting a storage plan. • You also have the option to pin the Google Drive icon to the Windows Start screen. Do that by clicking “Pin to Start” instead of clicking “Pin to Taskbar.”.
I just had the strangest thing happen. Post update reboot and I find that the 'Macintosh HD' icon is missing. Only the icon. The words are still there and if I right click on the words I can still 'Get Info' but the icon shown is a black square with a white outlined plain document icon. Then I noticed that some other icons are 'missing' and the text is still there. So I get ready to take a screen shot and move some files into a folder and the 'missing' icons reappear.
But the main hard drive icon is still missing. Anyone else seen this post update? I'll try rebooting and see what happens. POST REBOOT: The desktop also took a long time to come up the first time but now pops up, with all of the icons, very quickly. Click to expand.Same problem after I upgraded my iMac from Snow Leopard to Lion.
I have also clicked on the little up arrow icon to show hidden icons and the Google drive icon is not there either. The issue is not the Google drive icon on the desktop, but the Google drive icon on the task bar, down on the bottom right next to the WiFi symbol.
Then I used MacPilot* and discovered that when I clicked the (invisible) file '.VolumeIcon.icns' no icon appeared so the file was probably corrupted. I have a Bootcamp partition and that icon was visible but when I checked there was no '.VolumeIcon.icns' in that disk. So I copied that icon to an external disk (in the finder info window, cmd + i). In MacPilot I checked the external disk (named HD1) and the '.VolumeIcon.icns' was there and I could see the image. I then started the terminal and wrote: cp /Volumes/HD1/.VolumeIcon.icns / and then pressed return to copy the 'uncorrupted' file. That made the icon visible again.
Observe the space between.icns and / * = after extensive googling with no real result and trying different utilities. The corrupted '.VolumeIcon.icns' was 41K but the operational is 128K.
How to write a USB stick with macOS. How to write a USB stick with macOS. How can the answer be improved? In case you want to use the Ubuntu Live USB stick on a MAC, insert the USB stick and restart (or power on) your Mac while holding the Option key. This will launch the Startup manager which will show all the available bootable devices connected to the machine.