Help With Powerpoint For Mac

Help With Powerpoint For Mac 8,1/10 4920 votes

Create professional slide layouts with PowerPoint Designer. PowerPoint Designer improves slides for Office 365 subscribers. Windows Mac Android. Powerpoint mac free download - Shortcuts for Mac PowerPoint, PowerPoint, PowerPoint Viewer, and many more programs.

I'd appreciate detailed help on this one - I've tried everything. Hardware Macbook Air 2013 Version Rode Podcast Microphone (USB Connection) Software Office PowerPoint for Mac 2011 Version 14.4.5 Problem Summary • I record a PowerPoint presentation with narration (Slide Show => Record Slide Show) • After completing, when I press 'Slide Show', the narration and slides work to perfection! Everything is there. So far so good, right? • I then press 'File => Save as Movie'. It takes a bit to create file. (Which is ideal because I import into Final Cut Pro for editing and titles.) • video plays, but no sound when watching movie.

As a potential solution, I insert it into Final Cut to see if sound will show there. Nothing there either. I have to create powerpoint videos, which are usually 30-45 minutes - these are sent to people on may different platforms so the end result is me uploading to YouTube. This feature is broken. There are 2 workarounds. • Use a utility that records your screen to video. Screenflick and iShowU are 2 possibilities, but you can Google 'OS X screen recorder with audio' for more.

• If your presentation uses timings, so the length is predictable, you can record your presentation soundtrack using the free sound editor. Then you can add that soundtrack during the export to replace the regular audio in your presentation. Choose File>Save as Movie. Click on the Movie Options button, then select an audio file in the Background soundtrack dropdown. Brandwares - Advanced Office template services to the graphic design industry and select corporations.

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