Mac Os Sierra Keeps Asking For Password When Moving Or Deleting Files
Aug 20, 2016 How to disable Authentication when moving files/folders on my mac. Discussion in 'Mac Basics and Help' started by bionica8, Jun 21, 2010. How to opt out of macOS automatic downloads from OS X Click the Apple ( ) icon in the top left corner of your screen, then select and click System Preferences from the dropdown menu.
Managing your Macintosh Keychain What is a keychain? The keychain in Mac OS X is Apple’s password management system.
A keychain can store all your passwords for applications, servers, and websites, or even sensitive information unrelated to your computer, such as credit card numbers or personal identification numbers (PINs) for bank accounts. When you connect to a network server, open an email account, or access any password-protected item that is keychain-aware, your keychain can provide the password so you don't have to type it. You start with a single keychain, which is created automatically the first time you log in to your Mac OS X user account. Your default keychain has the same password as your login password. This keychain is unlocked automatically when you log in to Mac OS X and is referred to in Keychain Access menus as the 'login' keychain. When keychain problems occur Keychain problems occur when a user's login password does not match their keychain password.
This can be caused by using authentication methods other than the standard OS X local account system. On campus Macs, many users log in with their UMKC Exchange account credentials. However, when a user changes their UMKC Exchange password, keychain does not recognize the change automatically. When the password used to log into the machine does not match the current keychain password, the keychain does not unlock for use with password management. The user is able to log onto the machine, but applications that use the keychain system, such as Safari or Outlook, will give the user an error message stating that the application wants to use the 'login' keychain. It will ask for the keychain password. Below is a typical keychain request for Safari.
If a user clicks Cancel, the message will return again. If a user clicks Cancel a second time, the message goes away and the application continues to open. However, if the warning is cancelled, saved password information will not be available while using the application. Changing your keychain password When a keychain mismatch occurs, the user must change their keychain password to match the password used to log on to the machine.
To correctly change your keychain password, the user will use the application Keychain Access. Keychain Access is located in Applications Utilities. When you run Keychain Access, it will look similar to the following: To change your keychain password: • Select 'login' under the list of keychains.
• From the menu at the top of the screen, click Edit. • Select Change Password for Keychain 'login'.