Meade Software For Mac

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The process of uploading new Meade Autostar firmware via a user's PC or a direct Internet link to Meade is one area that bothers many persons who have yet to do an upload. and truly one where mistakes can be made. First of all, if the procedure is not followed properly mistakes can be made in both the download from the Meade website to your personal PC or telescope if linked directly for an upgrade OR it may be that the 'latest and greatest' release of telescope firmware for the ETX, LXD55, LX 90 or LX 200 GPS telescopes may, indeed, turn out to not be the saving grace it was thought to be.

Do you really NEED to upgrade? Read very carefully the 'Read Me' file or consult the many Yahoo! Groups that concentrate on Meade telescopes and their uses.many upgrades of new firmware may NOT be of any advantage to your particular type of telescope!

If, for example, you are using a German equatorially mounted LXD55 and the latest software address problems encountered with wire wrapping with the fork mounted LX 200, then why upgrade? If your existing firmware is working fine for you, then stick with it! Once you have installed the ASU Autoloader onto your PC, it is there ready for you to use at any time. In addition to allowing the connecting point between your telescope and constant new and innovative Meade updates for driving and controlling your telescope, it will serve as a very convenient and quick method to install the very latest data in comets, asteroids, tours, special 'user Objects' (your choice that can be arranged in any fashion you choose) and other data for GO TO operation via your telescope keypad. Once issued, the user needs to only upload the new version (there are always two basic firmware applications: one for Autostar 497 and another for Autostar II, the latter which is only used for the LX 200 GPS telescope line) and save to file on the PC; a double click on the Meade Support site will open the file and ask which area and name you wish to save the file to.those who want to stay 'active' in updates should develop a stand-alone folder in which all updates, past and present, can be uploaded and saved. Like many people you may wish to keep both ROM BUILD files for both the Autostar 497 as well as the Autostar II; if so, then you can RE-NAME each file suitably for your own identification; to use the ASU Updater however does not 'require' you to do this as it will correctly identify the proper Autostar/telescope you have connected and match with the proper firmware upon each upload. In other words, there can be no chance of improperly loading data for Autostar II on an ETX Autostar for example.the ASU will always recognize your handbox and default properly.

For the firmware to be loaded onto your telescope/Autostar, that BUILD ROM file must be transferred from where you saved it INTO the ASU 3.61 does not get there by itself after you have obtained it and uploaded to your computer. .now you are ready to install the firmware into the telescope or handbox. For example, if you wish to have all currently 'Observable' comets (some of these might not be visible in common telescopes, but it is handy to have the entire list loaded, from which you can delete any that you do not want to maintain.) according to the monthly Harvard updates, you can go to the specially-prepared listing of comets that is issued about the middle of each month JUST FOR THE AUTOSTAR at:. Copy TO FILE what pops up under that Harvard is exactly the format the Autostar needs to recognize all comets in our skies at the present time. I copy mine on a diskette and label it 'AutostarComets'. Once saved, open up your ASU Updater screen to 'Advanced Functions' again and click on Comets.

You will see every listing that is currently in your directory. Now all you must do is to go up to FILE on the ASU and click.then click IMPORT and find the diskette (or file) and open that up to your AutostarComets and highlight that file; the small window that pops up will recognize that file and ask you to select 'Object Type'; click 'Comet' and then go down and mark the 'Delete all existing objects of selected type' so that it shows a checkmark. Pressing the IMPORT button will replace all of your old comet list with the new one!

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