Use Usb Drive To Format Hard Drive For Mac

Use Usb Drive To Format Hard Drive For Mac 6,4/10 1204 votes

Hello, I recently bought a Toshiba Hard-Drive with the following features: • 500GB • It is a Canivo Basics 3.0 • It is USB 3.0 and 2.0 portable hard drive • It has already been formatted NTFS for Windows XP, Vista, 7, and 8 • The box says that it can be reformatted for Mac I have a Macbook Pro with Retina Display that I bought this year in late March/early April. It runs OS X Mavericks, and Parallels Desktop 9 for Mac.

Format Flash Drive Mac with Disk Utility. To use it, first connect the flash drive that you want to format. Then go to Applications and Utilities and launch Disk Utility. The application will appear on the screen, and you will see the main window, with a list of available storage devices on the left and various disk management options on the right. Therefore, it's perfect for a USB flash drive or external disk especially you need to save files more than 4GB in size. You should go ahead and format your storage drive with exFAT instead of FAT32, assuming that all devices you want to use the drive support exFAT.

I would like to reformat it so that I can use it on my laptop both with Windows and Mac OS at the same time. I do not wish to use a partition as I want to access the hard drive through Mac and Windows at the same time on my laptop and I also want to be able to access the Mac things on a Windows computer and vice versa. I have never formatted a hard drive before, and I would like to use a completely safe software, or no software at all, if it is possible. I am sorry but I don't have a very high knowledge of this. Thanks, Sandy-Wood.

Hi Sandy, What you want to do is quite easy. You do not want to format the drive though for Mac. The best partition scheme for a drive that will be used for both Mac and Windows is to format it exFAT, and its actually easier to do it in Windows than on the Mac side. In Windows just right click on the drive and select Format. When the formatting window shows up under File System click on the pulldown menu and select exFAT, and then put a check next to Quick Format, label the drive, and then click on Start. If you want to do this on the Mac side.

You would have to use Disk Utilit which is located in your Applications -> Utilities folder. In Disk Utility, on the left side will be a list of the drives, select the Toshiba Canivo and then on the right side of the window there will be a few tabs. Click onthe tab labeled Erase. Then under Format you would select exFAT, label the drive and then click on Erase. Hi Sandy, What you want to do is quite easy. You do not want to format the drive though for Mac.

The best partition scheme for a drive that will be used for both Mac and Windows is to format it exFAT, and its actually easier to do it in Windows than on the Mac side. Kies recovery samsung download for mac. In Windows just right click on the drive and select Format.

When the formatting window shows up under File System click on the pulldown menu and select exFAT, and then put a check next to Quick Format, label the drive, and then click on Start. If you want to do this on the Mac side.

You would have to use Disk Utilit which is located in your Applications -> Utilities folder. In Disk Utility, on the left side will be a list of the drives, select the Toshiba Canivo and then on the right side of the window there will be a few tabs. Click onthe tab labeled Erase. Then under Format you would select exFAT, label the drive and then click on Erase. It would be easier, using Parallels, just to format the drive for 'Mac OS Extended (Journaled)'.


You can see it both in the Windows/Parallels and the Mac side. Leaving it formatted as NTFS is not going to allow you to access (write to) the drive unless you use third-party software. Formatting it for Mac lets you use it, as I said, on both the Parallels VM and the Mac side. If you were using Boot Camp, I would advise leaving it formatted as NTFS and purchasing NTFS for Mac to access the drive on both OS's. You can mitigate that by formatting the drive for Mac: Good luck, Clinton. Although you'll always see that dialog box when plugging in a USB drive, if you select 'Mac' you'll still be able to read and write to the drive from Parallels/Windows - so I always click 'Mac' if I'm plugging in a drive, flash drive, etc. Where that attribute comes in handy, however, is when plugging in, for example, a headset with phones and a mic, etc.

As you can see from my screen shot below, from Windows 7 Pro running under Parallels, ALL of the drives that I have plugged in are shown in Windows Explorer. And I can grab files from them and write files to them. I have the same problem as Sandy-Wood, but in El Capitan. However, every time I try to unmount, partition, or do anything else suggested by the many posts--including this set--that address the issue, I end up with an error message: 'Operation failed.

If you are referring to the picture of an Excel file, open the file. Mac: Take a screenshot of the file by hitting Command+Shift+3. Find screenshot and save in Photos if possible. Go to Apple menu. Click System Preferences. Double Click Desktop & Screen Saver. Make sure Desktop is highlighted in blue near the top. How to Make a Spreadsheet in Excel. A spreadsheet is a great tool for adding the total of a series of items. This article explains how to make a basic spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel, using a simple expense report as an example. Make a excel spreadsheet background for kakaotalk mac free.