Docker For Mac Compose Version 3

Docker For Mac Compose Version 3 9,5/10 994 votes

Minimal versions: docker 1.17, docker-compose 1.10. Go to and download Docker for Mac. It will install all. Docker for Mac, Docker for Windows, and Docker Toolbox include Docker Compose, so most Mac and Windows users do not need to install Docker Compose separately. You’ll need to remove or migrate your existing containers after upgrading Compose. This is because, as of version 1.3, Compose uses Docker labels to keep track of containers, and so. Excel compute time difference.

I have a test rails 5.2.2 app running in docker and reports no errors in console but when I run docker-compose stop there is 1 container which doesn't stop. My o/s is macos running Docker for Mac. The container which doesn't stop is db_data. Docker-compose up will restart the stopped container and the app continues to run normally. Here is my docker-compose file version: '3' services: postgres: image: postgres env_file: - '.env' environment: - PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data db_data: image: postgres volumes: - /var/lib/postgresql/data command: /bin/true redis: image: redis ports: - '6379:6379' web: build:. Command: 'bin/bundle exec rails s -p 3000 -b' depends_on: - redis - postgres env_file: - '.env' environment: - RAILS_ENV=development - REDIS_URL=redis - REDIS_PORT=6379 volumes: -.:/usr/src/app - gem_cache:/gems ports: - '3000:3000' environment: - WEBPACKER_DEV_SERVER_HOST=webpack_dev_server webpack_dev_server: build:.

Command:./bin/webpack-dev-server ports: - '3035:3035' env_file: - '.env' environment: - RAILS_ENV=development - REDIS_URL=redis - REDIS_PORT=6379 - WEBPACKER_DEV_SERVER_HOST= volumes: -.:/usr/src/app - gem_cache:/gems volumes: gem_cache.