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Downloads • 30 Day free Trial: or • Free Version for ZWO ASI Cameras: or Video Walkthrough of AstroLive USB Functionality (Slightly out of date, from the beta test) AstroLive USB is a Real-time Processing Game Changer AstroLive USB brings a whole suite of new features to real-time processing which have never been available before. In addition to the new features it is written from the ground up with high megapixel USB cameras in mind so that it doesn't lose a step even when processing huge 20 Megapixel images from the latest cameras.
AstroLive USB gives you the technology to create stunning real-time views that can rival long-exposure images in quality. Partnership with ZWO for Free AstroLive USB Exclusively for ZWO ASI cameras, you can download and use AstroLive USB free of charge forever.
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The ZWO version of AstroLive USB includes all the functionality of the regular, paid version, except the ability to use cameras from other brands. How to launch a docker test instance of confluence for testing and evaluation os x linux. This exciting partnership between ZWO and AstroLive helps fund AstroLive development and supports the innovation ZWO is bringing to the EAA market in the form of new camera technologies which complement the AstroLive software innovation.
Gradient Removal AstroLive USB can remove gradients in the image background caused by light pollution, vignetting, moonlight, sky glow, or anything else which intrudes on your views. It can even greatly reduce amp glow. Aligned Stacking Stack images in real time with alignment for both offset and rotation so you can even align images takes without guiding or with an alt-az mount. Alignment is done by star detection so the images will always match up.
Image Calibration Real-time dark subtraction and flat calibration allow you to get the best possible image. You can also forego this step and use the gradient removal functionality to correct most calibration issues automatically instead.
Noise Reduction Reduce background noise in your images with the built in and automatic real-time noise reduction feature. This is especially valuable for uncooled cameras.
Sharpening Improve the fine detail of your views with automatic sharpening in real-time. Sharpening increases the detail visible by processing out some of the imperfections in the image which blur the view. Levels and Curves Adjust the histogram and see all the faint detail you can bring out of the image that you couldn't see before. Advanced users can also use the curves tool to adjust the live view just as you would in PhotoShop, but now in real time. Telescope Control AstroLive USB includes a full Messier, NGC, and IC catalog as well as ability to control the telescope on both Windows and Mac so you can do everything in one place. Any ASCOM-compatible telescope is supported on Windows and any INDI-compatible telescope is supported on Mac.
Plate Solving Even if your pointing isn't very accurate on your telescope, the built in plate solving will get your target centered every time. AstroLive USB takes a picture of the field and then adjusts the telescope to ensure you never have to spend time looking for an object again. Focuser Control AstroLive USB can control your electronic focus motor (via ASCOM or INDI) so you don't need to use a separate program. Auto Focus If you have an electronic focuser with absolute control you can take advantage of the built in autofocus routine to get your focus just right, every time. Supported Hardware • ZWO ASI USB 3.0 Cameras on Windows and Mac OS X, AstroLive USB is free for use with these cameras! • Atik 4-Series and Infinity on Windows and Mac OS X • Starlight Xpress Lodestar, Ultrastar, most other recent models on Windows and Mac OS X • Any camera with a conformant ASCOM 6 Camera driver on Windows • Any mount with a conformant ASCOM 6 Telescope driver on Windows • Any mount with a conformant INDI driver on Mac OS X • Any absolute position focuser with a conformant ASCOM 6 Focuser driver on Windows • Any absolute position focuser with a conformant INDI driver on Mac OS X Current Limitations • The manual is not yet complete.