Blackbaud Citrix Receiver For Mac
How do I export a file to my local machine? How can I save a file to my workstation? You may access your local or network file locations when working in an application hosted by Blackbaud Hosting Services. For example, you can save a file from your application to your desktop, or another folder located on your computer. This article describes how to access and use local or network drives from a hosted application when you are exporting or saving a file. As a note, permanent files such as Crystal Reports and files for scheduled queues must be saved in the hosted. Note: If your database resides in the Blackbaud SKY environment, please review.
Uninstall Citrix Receiver on Mac Way 1 – Uninstall Citrix Using a Removal Tool App Cleaner One of the ways to remove Citrix is to use App Cleaner & Uninstaller.
Install driver for mac hp. Note: before your organization will be able to use network or mapped drives from a hosted application. • Click File > Export in the process or report to print. • Note: When exporting from the Reports module, set the Destination field to 'Disk file,' then click Export • Change the save location by clicking on the ellipsis button next to the file name field.
This will open the navigation window. • Select the 'Save in' drop-down menu at the top of the file navigation window and select the Local Disk option that has the letter of the drive that you wish to save the file on. You may see one of the two following explorer windows: • Browse to the location on your computer where you want to save your file.
• We recommend storing files in a folder that is in an easily accessible location (i.e.C: Users [Windows username] Desktop ) • Due to common file restrictions on the root directory of a windows computer (C: ), we suggest not saving to C: and saving your file within a folder. • Windows users: If you receive the prompt 'You don't have permission to save in this location. Please contact the administrator to obtain permission.' Click Ok to proceed with exporting. Please refer to our Knowledgebase Article regarding the prompt: • Mac Users: If you receive the prompt to allow access to the drive, select Read & Write. • Click Save. Note: Saving to your local drives (and network or mapped drives, if enabled) is available in any application hosted by Blackbaud Hosting Services.
• • For information on importing, refer to • If you do not see the appropriate file folders, verify that you are using the latest • If you do not see the appropriate file folders, verify that you are navigating to the correct file path • Right click on an item that is saved to your desktop • Select Properties • Select the Advanced tab • Note the file path. Does it match the path that you navigating out to when saving your system exports?