Mac Os 7 Emulator Virtualbox
To help you with which emulator to use we have brought you the 10 Best Windows emulator for Mac. Parallels Desktop. Marked as the best and easiest emulator to use but at price of $53.97 is Parallels desktop. This emulator allows you to run the Windows OS on any Mac and also allows you emulate Linux and Unix applications. Here's a quick and simple guide how you can install macOS High Sierra in VirtualBox on Windows 10 in 5 minutes.
The WinPhone7 (and WinPhone8) emulator is itself a VM and few (if any) general-purpose VM's will host another VM infrastructure, which is why it crashes Parallels etc. If you want to have the emulator run from within a different VM to the one MS provides, then you're into the realm of extracting images, toggling bits and trying to tack it into your VM of choice. Of course, the chances of the emulator then working as expected with no residual issues is as close to nil as makes no difference;) [Update 2013-01-30] VMWare5 & Parallels Desktop 8 now support running Hyper-V guest VM's. This is particularly useful for those wanting to develop against the Windows Phone 8 SDK which runs Windows Phone 8 guest VM's on Hyper-V. Here's a guide to how to run Visual Studio 2012 & Windows 8 SDK (inc. The Windows Phone 8 Hyper-V-based emulator) in VMWare5 or Parallels desktop 5: Note: Running Windows & Hyper-V inside a VM will be slower than running natively.
Dual-booting into Windows (using Boot Camp on OSX) is stil the recommended method of developing for the Windows platform, especially if you want to use Hyper-V guest VM's. It's actually an x86 virtual machine hosting a VM image comprising of a WinCE 7 x86 kernel with Silverlight, XNA etc. On top and the OS services, apps and UI on top of that. Thus the WinPhone VM runs pretty much at full speed.
This is in marked contrast to, for example, WinMobile emulators which were actually ARM emulators which had to interpret ARM code & hardware at runtime. This invariably meant that code running under the ARM emulators were horribly slow and many timing related issues were not found until you ran on real tin! – May 20 '10 at 23:07 •. As others have said, WP7 is itself a virtual machine. Even if you can get it to run inside a virtual machine like Parallels, the performance will be abysmal. If your computer supports hardware virtualization, the emulator runs really smooth, without it it's very very sluggish. Running it inside another VM will make it even more sluggish - I am guessing to the point that it's unusable.
I know this is not the answer you want to hear, but I would recommend running Windows in Bootcamp, you will have much better experience developing and emulating. I'm not so sure about compatibility for long term development, but in last september, I remembering trying the Windows Phone 7.1beta SDK on VirtualBox (I'm using mac SL), a free virtual machine from oracle (previously by Sun) and it works well there. I just do a regular install of Windows 7 Home Basic (any Win7 except Starter will do, CMIIW) in the VBox with no tweaking at all, install the GuestAddition inside win7 (provided by VBox), then install the SDK. I create new WP project, arrange UI, make some codes as usual, then run it in emulator. Surprisingly, the emulator works fairly well and showing the app I've developed. I'm not even experience any lag (my macbook is i5, 4GB ram, the VBox setting is dual core, 2GB ram, note that no other heavy mac process is on the run, so I solely run the VBox. And iTunes for listening musics).
So if you still want to try WP SDK 7.1 on VM, why don't you try? My current VBox is installed with Windows 8 and have no extra space to reinstall the win7+WPSDK. If you do give a try on VBox, please report the result here to inform everyone. I've run the Android emulator inside a VM before. It was slower, but still usable to test basic apps.
Also, the Android emulator was then slow to where you couldn't tell a difference from between native or from within running Eclipse from within a virtual machine running Linux x86-to-x86 emulation tends to be pretty fast nowadays due to both Intel and AMD CPUs having hardware to help it along. A lot of x86-to-x86 emulation also doesn't do a full emulation (see Android's emulator to see how a full emulator runs in comparison).